Friday, November 30, 2012

Don't normally fancy debates but it's actually fun to speak to friends with opposing points of view. Also, I love being in FASS. I love how I'm taking (seemingly) different modules, yet they all link to each other in very interesting ways. There's psychology everywhere. There's that bit of geography perspective in IEM, and theatre can be viewed through so many different kinds of lenses.

There's just one major thing that's stopping me from studying now - MY MAJORLY DISTRACTION-PRONE BRAIN. Honestly. I always discover the joys of studying only A DAY before the exam, because that's when I get a sense of urgency and can stop myself from getting distracted by anything.

So I spent the whole day searching for instrument rental shops and watching videos of child murderers and people with dissociative disorders, and so you think you can dance, and talking to my friends about the adoption of husbands' surnames. Am I wrong to say that the root of all such debate is inequality between the genders? If so, would getting the husband to adopt the wife's surname as well (such that both will become "tan-lim" instead of the husband as "tan" and the wife as "tan" as well) help resolve the issue?

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